Jiaxin(Jason) Li

Irving, TX 75063 · (917) 753-6869 · ljx477@gmail.com

  • Software Development Engineer at Microsoft
  • Mobile App Developer
  • Full Stack Web Application Engineer



Software Development Engineer

Azure Chaos Studio (Aug. 2022 – Present)

  • Azure Chaos Studio helps to improve application resilience with controlled fault injection and chaos testing by introducing apps to real or simulated faults.
  • Took part in the development of web API and backend system for faults life-cycle management (create, start, stop, dispose) and telemetry monitoring system.
  • Implemented several machine level faults (memory/CPU/disk pressure, time change) in both Linux and Windows Server systems using C++/C#.
Aug. 2022 - Present

The Michaels Companies, Inc.

Software Development Engineer

Backend API Development – Michaels.com Ecommerce (Feb. 2021 – Aug. 2022)

  • Participated in the design, development, improvement, test, and deployment of the high scale backend services for the entire online shopping experience.
Third-party Service Integration (Nov. 2021 – Aug. 2022)





Apache Airflow


Google Tag Manager

  • Participated the integration of the third-party service including Affirm (financing), Attentive (text message), Fusion 92 (promotion), Tibco (loyalty), and SheerID (ID validation) etc.
  • Took part in the implementation of the global third-party service admin portal. Helped to create Java Spring tool package for third-party API metric/usage/access/defect/data analysis.
  • Led the development of the data retrieving APIs and data uploading/syncing up pipelines for 3rd-party service data access.
  • Introduced cache system to store the frequently accessed data and avoid the entire list traverse. Greatly reduced the average API data retrieving time from 1000ms to 10ms.
Shopping Cart Development (Feb. 2021 – Oct. 2021)





Google Spanner




Google Cloud

  • Designed, developed, tested, and deployed of the shopping cart system and RESTful APIs using Java, Spring Boot including initialize shopping cart, add/remove product, change quantity, inventory check, etc.
  • Worked with the front-end team to discuss API design such as HTTP method, request/response format, and error handling, etc. Under the premise of realizing functionalities, optimized the structure of request and response (params/JSON), reduced the amount of transmitted data and achieved faster API access.
  • Incorporated Kafka as message broker and data buffer for decoupling checkout and shopping cart microservices. Implemented shopping cart cache with Redis which increases performance and reduce response time by 92%.
  • Cooperated with the DB team to migrate item table from MySQL to MongoDB using primary-secondary mechanism. Constructed the new shopping cart table schema and index strategy. Managed to merge the separated shopping cart tables (course products, project products, and SKU products) into one standalone table by normalizing the optional tables and extracting the same entities. Reduced the average API long queries from 3 times to 1.5.
  • In charge of: using (TDD) Junit and Mockito to keep unit tests light and non-invasive, using SonarLint for code style check, writing swagger API doc, conducting the CI/CD pipeline from dev to QA, and integrating Datadog for API monitoring.

iOS Mobile Development (Dec. 2020 – Feb. 2021)










  • Worked on a 16-people mobile development team to design, develop, test and deliver Michaels apps in an agile development cycle. Participated in the start-up of iOS team. Collaborated with team members to research different mobile development frameworks (hibernate vs native, storyboard vs SwiftUI), iOS programming languages (Swift, OC), decide coding style, code structure pattern, version-control flow, third party libraries, and CI/CD pipeline.
  • Contributed critical, shared components to multiple features of the mobile app including reusable UI component library, global data transformation, presentation, cache, persistence, and network communication library, etc.
  • Closely worked with backend team to discuss API design and requirement, and UI/UX team to design and integrate the app’s UI and prototype using Sketch and Figma.
  • Responsible for the development of instore scan & go app from scratch. Implemented the use of WIFI SSID, Bluetooth beacon, and Geofence to improve the user's instore status detection speed. Researched common barcode formats, and compared Apple's official Vision barcode scan solution with Google's MLKit solution to improve scanning and product information retrieving speed.
Aug. 2020 - Aug. 2022

USGS × MU Digital Biology Lab

Software Development Engineer

Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Project





Google Cloud




  • Worked on a team of 3 members to develop an iOS app for USGS research use providing functions including 1. researcher administration 2. sample image capture and customization 3. APIs interaction 4. History presentation. (Jan. 2020 – Aug. 2020)
  • Worked on a team of 4 members to develop Python Flask service (machine learning system) and Java SpringBoot service (RESTful APIs) based on Google Cloud providing functions including 1. user authentication (OAuth) 2. sample image evaluations with computer vision, deep learning model (TensorFlow, Keras) 3. data persistence and retrieval 4. customized keywords vector search 5. customized offload analysis and recommendation based on researcher's profile, history data, and other key features. (May 2019 – Dec. 2019)
  • Achieved 90% deduction in image/video detection time by localization the deep learning model to Apple’s native CoreML model, enabled direct use on local devices and avoided network connection; Improved the data retrieval and presentation time by customizing UIKit, multithreading, and multi-level caching.
Feb. 2020 - Aug. 2020


University of Missouri Columbia

Bachelor of Science (Cum Laude and Honors Scholar)
Computer Science

Cumulative GPA: 3.67

  • Operating System
  • Computer Network
  • Advanced Algorithm Design
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Principle of Programming Language
  • Senior Capstone Design
  • Undergraduate Research CECs-Honors
Aug. 2017 - Dec. 2019

Taiyuan University of Technology

Bachelor of Science
Software Engineering

GPA: 3.22

  • Algorithm Design
  • Data Structure
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Database Application and Information System
Sep. 2015 - June 2017


Environmental Water Quality Monitoring

Undergraduate Research Assistant - Digital Biology Lab

A real-time water quality monitoring system by image recognition

Code Repo Docker Container






Google Cloud

Google Firebase










  • Researched common methods (Laboratory-based, Test-strip-based, Deep-learning-based etc.) to provide a rough estimation of water sample quality based on water image.
  • Helped the research team to develop a water quality estimation API and an iOS app for user to upload water image and get estimation value.
  • Created Python Flask RESTful API service based on Google Cloud Compute Engine integrated with water deep learning model (Keras) to supporting water image recognition and HTTP requests/responses.
  • Integrated the application with Google Firebase SDK which provides data persistence (NoSQL Database) and user authentication.
  • Deployed the web API with Gunicorn, Nginx and packaged as a Docker container.
  • Reduced image detection time by 90% by converting the deep learning model to CoreML that can be used directly on the local device and avoid the time-consuming upload task and inevitable network interrupt error.
  • Developed an iOS app to implement taking, editing, managing, uploading, persisting photos, and presenting data functions.
  • Communicated with UI team to design and integrate the app’s user interface and prototype using Sketch and Photoshop.
  • Improved the app’s performance by concurrency and multi-hierarchy cache using Texture and SDWebImage.
May 2018 - Dec. 2019


Undergraduate Research Assistant - Distributed and Intelligent Computing Lab

A campus-wide student survey platform




Android Studio

Apple ResearchKit

Google FireStorage

  • Provided a framework for generating on-the-fly survey assessments and sensor data collection and deploying them on iOS and Android mobile devices.
  • Worked in the Android team to implement functions and refactor algorithms including generation of questionnaire, timely notification, and random notification.
  • In charge of refactoring the Apple ResearchKit framework Gait and Balance module to Android Java version.
  • Collected the user’s motion data through mobile device sensor and pre-analyzing the data for further research.
Feb. 2018 - May 2019


Lite OS File System

Wheel Making Series 2

Hands-on exFAT Linux-like File System

Code Repo






  • Closely modeled the original Unix Filesystem and the Unix Fast Filesystem.
  • Designed the file system layout and data structure of inode, bitmap, block store, primary/secondary/... directory, and file descrpitor.
  • Implemeted the file sytem formatting, mounting, and unmounting functions as a block storage.
  • Implemented the creation of files and directories, the opening and closing of files, and the enumeration of directorie.
  • Implemented the reading and writing of data to a file, the seeking of file descriptors, and the deletion of files as well as empty directories.
  • Implemented the moving files and directories as well as the creation of hardlinks.
  • For the file system layout, please see the document.
Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2019

pokemon Classification

Deep Learning & Image Recognition APP

Mobile App for Pokemon Classification

APP Preview







  • Created a Convolutional Neural Network using Keras & TF to recognize Pokemons.
  • Used Bing Image Search API to generate the Pokemon datadest.
  • Converted the Keras model to CoreML model and integrated to mobile app.
Sep. 2019 - Oct. 2019

Lite Spring

Wheel Making Series 1

Hands-on lite version of Spring framework

Code Repo




Object-orientated Design

Test-driven Development

  • Built a simple version of Spring framework by referring official documents and source code.
  • Study the design paradigms and principles such as Aspect-oriented programming, Factory Pattern, Single Responsibility Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, and Interface Segregation Principle etc.
  • For more, please see the Repo document.
June 2019 - July 2019

Mizzou Scheduler

Team iOS app project

Calender-like App helps people to schedule ther daily activities

APP Preview







  • Helped Mizzou student get their class schedule, grade, GPA with one click instead of complex operation at Mizzou official website.
  • Integrated Myzou system API to automatically import student courses, GPA and other information.
  • Designed algorithms to help students automatically arrange their courses, assignments, custom projects and other activities.
Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2018

Todomy App

Personal iOS App Practice

To-Do List App

APP Preview




  • Study Document store methods: CoreData, UserDefault, codable, Keychain, SQLite and Realm.
Jan. 2018 - Feb. 2018


Programming Languages
  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • Go
  • Haskell
  • Swift
  • JavaScript
Web Development
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Node.js
  • React.js

  • Flask
  • Django
Mobie Development
  • iOS
  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • SwiftUI
  • UIKit
  • RxSwift
Tools & Frameworks
  • Git (Git flow)
  • Linux (Shell)

  • Google Cloud (GAE, GCE, Spanner)
  • AWS (EC2, DynamoDB, S3)

  • Kafka (pipeline)
  • Airflow (Scheduling)

  • Zipkin/Datadog (Monitoring)
  • Jenkins (CI/CD)

  • Swagger (API Doc)
  • Vault

Leadership & Awards & Activities

  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals (Microsoft)
  • iOS 11 & Swift 4 Development (Udemy)
  • Web Development (Udemy)
  • Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Computer Science Honor Society, Fall 2018 – Now
  • Project C.U.R.E, Volunteer Program, Summer 2018, Denver
  • Dean’s List, Fall 2018, Fall 2019
  • Mizzou Computing Association, iOS Team, Fall 2017 – Spring 2018
  • Vice President of “Black Mamba”, University Cyber Security Team, Fall 2016 – Spring 2017
  • Academic scholarship, Fall 2015 – Spring 2016 (Sophomore year)